Thursday, December 18, 2014

Happy Holidays!

As 2014 comes to a close, I'm once again amazed by how fast time has flown. Especially now with Lucas in our lives, it seems to whip by like the winter wind!

The holidays are a great time to stop and reflect on all that has come before, and what awaits us in the new year. And how to best go about meeting those new adventures and challenges. I love what Deepak Chopra has to say on the matter– a great way of thinking and being for every day of the year:

Deepak Chopra Walks The Way of Spirituality
by Nancy Lloyd for the LA Times

Wishing you and yours a most wonderful time this holiday season.  I look forward to seeing you in 2015 with the release of my new book, "Singing on Stage and in the Studio" as well as in workshops, classes, and online trainings. I'll also have some new Huffington Post and Psychology Today articles out as well.

Until then!
Jennifer, John and Lucas (our little winter angel…  :)
